Friday, December 25, 2009

A new direction...,

Merry Christmas! Okay, I haven't blogged in damn near a hot minute so I thought it being Christmas and all, I'd give it a shot.

Strange to be doing this again.

So, my tri days are over. Well, maybe over is the wrong term but certainly curtailed. Just lost the interest in a major way. I did Ironman Augusta and thought I was going to DNF the whole day. That's the only race I have ever be in where I wanted to quit from the start. And it nuked my desire to race that distance again or longer. But the desire to keep after that outer edge is still burning strong. What's next?

Ultramarathoning. This is where my wife chimes in "of course[expletive,expletive]"

2010 will be the year I start to pursue this new goal. I have some races in the slot and others I'm thinking about in a majorly sick way.

Stay tuned and we'll see what 2010 brings my way. I'm going to try to post some video and pics on the blog so I can have a history of the races.