Saturday, August 9, 2008

New shoes, 11.5 miles, One faceplant

So, I'm following my plan this week. Did my miles last weekend and goofed with the miles in the middle of the week. My legs actually feel pretty good and the soreness in my knees is now just a roar. Whatever-I'm mobile.

Today was the long day. I got a late start mostly due to the wild ass party we had here last night. Trivia Pursuit and a close fridge is dangerous. So, I was a little slow this morning. The heat was on when I got to Kennesaw Mtn and I spent 30 minutes talking with a woman who is training for the MS 150. Very cool.

The first lap was uneventful with the exception of my headphones shorting out. Sweat+electronics=static. So, I ditched those, refilled the bottle, and headed out to see if I could negative split this run. You know how you find that rhythm and running just becomes part of you? Yeah-I was in THAT moment. Cruising, low HR, feeling decent when I found a root.

A big damn root.

In a instant, I'm bouncing off the trail. I tried to tuck my shoulder under to roll but it never made it. Instead, I displayed the reflexes of stunned beagle. After I stopped sliding, I sat there and did damage control. All systems were go with a little blood seeping.

My shoes? They rock. I don't normally wax poetic about shoes but Montrail makes a hell of a trail shoe. I used to run in Hardrocks but they were phased out. So, I bought Continental Divides. Wow. What a shoe. Really comfy. My feet are not sore and the toe box absorbed the root with aplomb.

Anyway, tomorrow brings 8. Oh, I was in Big Peach Running Company today and the woman assisting me asked what races I had coming up. I told her the Pine Mountain 40 and her reply was rather ominous. She said, "Is that your first ultra?" I said yes and she told me it was 40 miles of super technical running.


Well, I signed up for Ironman having never even done a sprint. How hard can this be?

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