Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The streak starts today...,

Joe Reger streaks. Paul Kindzia streaks.

Why can't I streak with them?

Okay, so it's not the type of streaking that made Ray Stevens famous but it sounds really close. Especially the "don't look Ethel!" part.

Streaking is an synonym for consistency in the tri world. Or, in plain English-getting in a workout everyday. So, I'm gonna streak. As much as I hate to admit it, the NSAID for the knne(s) has worked wonders and they feel ready to go.

Which screams for me to use my brain and NOT train into another overuse injury. I've still got some IT issues but I can deal with it with stretching and ice. I, like Kindzia, am a huge fan of Active Release Therapy. My 2009 season is quickly taking shape so it's time to make some hay. I've mutated into somewhat of a fat bastard so I have that immediate goal. Plus, I've got some new wheels on the Kuota. Fast. Very fast.

I think I'll send those guys an email and throw a challenge at them. I can't even get begin to tell you how better athletes they are than me. They (Reger and Kindzia) are the REAL DEAL. I'm just visiting.

So, today the streak begins. In earnest. Big Time. Like for real.

1 comment:

Joe Reger said...

Rock on! You can do eeeet!