Friday, July 18, 2008

16 damn ugly miles.

Damn ugly. I can't say it was miserable but it wasn't pretty. 16 miles of rock-hopping, striding, running, cursing, and generally moving forward. Weather was great and I saw ZERO critters, not even ground squirrels.


The rice cakes were a hit although they don't taste great when heated by a sweaty back and washed down with fruit punch Gatorade. I have three new blisters so I need new shoes.

Legs are trashed, feet hurt from the rocks, I think my butt's chapped a bit. Slugged down 24 ounces of Endurox R4 and will take an NSAID later after I eat. I'm headed for a cold shower now.

Great way to start the weekend...,

1 comment:

Joe Reger said...

But you got it done! Good work!