Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's 4:58 and I'm up.....,

WTF? I'm not sure why I'm up other than my wife went to work early, way early, today. So, here I am and I was thinking about my KMWP experience and other pressing issues.

The KMWP was a vehicle to make new friends and explore what I could do as a writer. It did little for my ability to actually teach writing. I found the research work tedious, uninspiring, and dull. It will look good on the resume and ultimately provide contacts for the next level-PhD.

My new friends are fine people and I hope we stay in touch. My life experience tells me that won't happen but I'm okay with that. Sometimes snapshots are all we really need.

I thought about what I had done yesterday with the races and have determined it was indeed, stupid. But, one cannot look back and regret. So, moving forward, I'll start training soon.


I'm thinking about closing this blog as no one reads the damn thing and starting over. But, there's some good stuff here. I don't want to see that go away.

If you're lurking out there, leave me a comment so I'll know I'm not alone in the blogsphere.




Joe Reger said...

I'm here. Was up at 4:45 as well. Stupid signups is a great way to motivate into shape!

Anonymous said...

found you