Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New direction and purpose

Yeah, I haven't posted in a while. I really don't think anyone reads the damn thing anyway but I just keep banging away on the keyboard.


So, I bailed on the ultras and that's old news. But, maybe that's a good thing because I came back to what I CAN do.

I've made a commitment to my friend, Adam, to hit the gym every day for thirty days. Really hit it.

Today was day 1.

It blew.

But, tomorrow is another day to show the world that I have ignored my core and my upper body for WAY too long.



Joe Reger said...


Laina said...

Mike... I wanted your input on a poem I wrote tonight... it's really rough, but here it is. In all it's raw-edged glory.

The Awakening
Laina Breazeale

I saw you tonight for the first time.
The lines on your face have deepened since I last saw you.
Your hair still has that golden halo, but flecks of silver grace your temples now.
Your hands, always so graceful and capable, bear the scars of experience and wisdom.

I don’t know what it was that opened my eyes to your homely beauty.
Maybe it was the light coming through the windows. the early evening glow filtered through the trees playing on your loose braid.
Or the phone call I got today. the doctor’s report that everything wasn’t well anymore. That I’m not as young as I used to be.
Perhaps it was the silence of the house. the screaming stillness and emptiness of the extra chairs around the table.

We sat at this old table together. the one with the worn places where I fold my arms.
You served up your signature chicken and dumplings and made light conversation about your day.
And for the first time. I saw you.

Browns said...

Sounds like it's been a little rough for ya. You've got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know when to run.

My husband and I were downtown a couple weeks ago for the 5K corporate challenge. Way too many people for my liking but it was fun. We've gotten our asses off the couch and have dropped over 50 pounds between us. I think of you often and thank you for your constant encouragement. I miss you as do many of the teachers.

Drop us a line sometime. Hey - and take care of yourself. You only get one body.