Thursday, March 6, 2008

Swimming Woes

So, I went to the Y last night to give this workout a try. A little warm-up of 200 yards then 6X50 yards all out. At the end, I am convinced the lifeguards thought I was drowning. Form went to hell, I was gasping, and all I wanted to do was get out of the damn pool. But, progress was made.

You see, I hate swimming. When I was a kid, I wore coke-bottle glasses so going to the pool meant being blind for an afternoon. So, I learned to hate it. Unfortunately, as a tri-guy, you gotta swim to get to the bike. So, I swim. Slowly and inefficiently. I've bought the DVDs and had myself videotaped (ugly) but nothing beats the pure misery of a hypoxic workout.

Tonight brings 2000 yards. I'm going to try 4X500 sets with 1 minute rest between each set. Who knows? Maybe I'll learn something...,

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