Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Something new on the horizon....,

I think I have run my course with triathlon. I'm not sure just yet but I know that I'm starting to get weary of the "I gotta_______." You know the deal-run, bike, or swim. I'm just a little over it. So, I'm thinking about doing something I've never done before and that's weightlifting.

Stop laughing.

Yeah-I know. Most endurance athletes run like hell from the weights, including me. I'm weak. Very weak. And soft. When I take my shirt off at the pool, folks don't whisper, "he did an Ironman" nor do women swoon. I don't expect six-packs abs and I damn sure don't expect to be "ripped." But, I do expect some improvement and strength gains pretty damn quick. I have just really decided that I'm going to retool my body and strengthen all the parts I've ignored over the years.

Gotta do my homework but I think it's cool. It sure has got me motivated. We'll see what happens....,

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