Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rest day today-BIG DAY TOMORROW...,

I took today as a rest day and cleaned the garage. It's amazing how much crap a family of three can acquire in a few years.

It took all morning to sift through three rooms in the basement and the garage. Not fun.

Tomorrow is a test of sorts. I'm hitting the mountain early and running big Kennesaw to Little Kennesaw, crossing Pigeon Hill and doing the loop at Cheatham Hill and then finishing around the base of big Kennesaw. I'm thinking that's about 14-17 miles and if I keep it together, it will let me know where I am fitness-wise. Of course, I'm doing the run slow (9:30-10:00/mile) but it's the distance that counts for now.

Gonna hurt though.


We'll see what happens. I'm not too proud to abandon the run if it's going to hell but I really would like to drop the hammer and see where I am.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Joe Reger said...

Good luck tomorrow! Get out early as the heat adds up quickly.