Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Marked difference and a night in the pool

So, I took the meds last night and listened to the grass grow. Wow. I can't imagine taking this stuff on a regular basis. Anyhow, my knees are 75% better.

One dose. Amazing.

I'll keep taking it and marking off days until December 13th when I can start to run again. Slow.

I swam last night. Hehehehe. That was REALLY ugly. I asked the guys at the Aquatic Center where I swim when was my last visit.

March 12th. Sweet!

I got in the pool and did one lap. The lifeguard got up and moved to my side of the pool. WTF? Did I look that bad? Anyway, I'm back in the saddle and getting it together.

March 12th.


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