Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Time of Year...,

If you stay in this game long enough, Autumn (that's what we English teachers call Fall) takes on a different meaning. No longer does it bring colors and crisp temps. Instead it brings worried looks, last minute training runs, deep philosophical rants about whether or not you have enough in the bank to go the distance.

PRs, bike splits, swim splits, nutrition, fear of getting sick-yeah, I'm talking about the build-up to Ironman. Joe Reger is going to have a hellacious race. I'm personally predicting he'll do sub 9:50. In additon to be a local celb in the world of tri, his blog is really well-written and provides Regerisms that are useful throughout the day. For true perspective, read Paul Kindzia. Another AG guy who is going to drop the hammer this year at IMFL.

These two are going after each other this year. I almost want to go to PCB to watch. Good luck to both.

Update on the knees: Better. Much better. I think the steroids/rest/whatever has helped. I think my days of running pain-free forever are probably gone. So be it. A little pain keeps one focused. Charlotte bought me a cool swimsuit-a jammer. I look like a friggin Lycra-covered braust but I'm in the pool, you know?

1 comment:

Joe Reger said...

Hey Big Unit! Thanks for the kind words! 9:50 would be awesome but this year I think that a 10 to 20 minute improvement (if conditions allow) is about all I can expect. For my first few years I improved at about 40 minutes/year. Last year it was 20. That improvement will continue to get smaller and smaller as I reach my personal limits. Still, I appreciate the vote of confidence!

Hope the knee continues to improve for ya!