Monday, October 13, 2008

New plan

I went to the doc today. We talked about sports and the lifestyle that I lead. We agreed that I'm probably not going to change what I do until I'm forced to do so.

She's cool like that.

I prefer female docs. They have a better sense for what a person is really saying than a guy. I'm not sure I want her checking out my junk but I have a physical to endure on Halloween. She has small hands and slim fingers.

That's really good....,

Again, we talked about running and pain. She did the doc thing. Knees are stable but hurt when I run. Bursitis. She agreed (kinda.) She prescribed a round of steroids to shut down the inflamation and let things heal. I agreed not to run but walk agressively, hike, swim, and cycle my ass off. She said okay.

We shook hands and let it go.

I'm taking this as a sign from God I need to get in the pool and swim. I'm getting stronger on the bike and my next race is a LONG ways off. I want to go long again but not until I'm healthy. Really healthy.

That's where I'm at for today. I came home and took 24 mg of prednisone. Yeah, that'll make you vibrate on high for a while...,

Maybe I swim tonight.

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