Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Saying good-bye

Today, I say farewell to my rented Zipp 808s that were so fast at GC. Not only did they bolster my confidence, they actually stayed inflated! If you need fast wheels but don't want to spend $3K, rent them from www.racedaywheels.com Great customer service and a big selection of wheels.

I'm feeling better today. Yesterday was pretty bad. My body was just beat to hell and it was a Moan-day to boot! So, today is better. Sunburn is starting to itch so it's healing up. Next year at GC, I'll change from a tri top to a running shirt. I may even invest in one of those stupid hats from REI with the neck coverage. Just a thought.

I'm taking this week completely off. I may go for a walk at some point but I want to give my tired body/mind time to rest and reset. Again-balance.

It's funny. I have nothing planned. No races scheduled, nothing. Wait-I'm running the Peachtree this year. Okay, that's something. Speaking of running-I'm looking forward to running for fun again. Fitness and fun. Hmmmmm.

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